Sunday, January 24, 2010

Horses & Pennies

Horse Statue Symbolics

I had to re-look this one up to make sure that my memory was correct.  When I was little, we traveled a lot with volleyball, and often spent Easter in New Orleans (my birthplace) for a tournament.   We'd do the typical tourist things, but one thing I remember best is Jackson Square.  My Dad told me this peice of information about the statues of military men that are astride a horse:

If the horse has both front legs in the air, the person died while in battle.  If one front leg is lifted, the death was due to wounds recieved in battle.  All four legs on the ground?  Natural causes.

New Orleans - French Quarter: Jackson Square - Andrew Jackson Statue

New Orleans - French Quarter: Jackson Square - Andrew Jackson Statue 
The more you know!! ....The more you can annoy your friends with useless facts.

Penny for your...tire

Wanna check your tire tread?  Try a penny.  The minimum suggested tread depth is 1/16 of an inch, which is the distance from the top of the penny to Lincoln's head. Stick it in the tread, head pointing up.  Can you see the head?  Time for new tires!! 
Penny Floor:  Hotel Congress

Penny Floor: Hotel Congress
 by cobalt123

Which we need, desperately.  Yay for tax refunds!

That little tidbit was grabbed from Real Simple, which has other uses for a lot of things!

Personal update soon....

1 comment:

  1. I remember the horse thing! Keep it up - and thanks for the plug!
