The nine-banded armadillo is the only mammal that can contract leprosy (although it is a different strand of the disease). Armadillos are related to sloths and the nine-banded variety have identical quadruplet offspring - EVERY TIME.

via tfrench11 on flickr
Makes me glad I'm not an armadillo.
Practical Knowledge:
After children, the potty is never private. You can be sitting there in your "business meeting" with your "paperwork"...
...and BOOM - there is a four year old in there, explaining exactly why she needs that PB&J right now. Since it can't wait. It's also quite urgent to tell you what's going on in Gabba Land before she decided to waltz into the bathroom during said meeting.
Advice: Invest in a lock, and use your...meetings...for time alone with your thoughts. I still need to get a good lock.
Yes, this little phenomenon is universal. It also generalizes to other situations like being on the phone or checking email. Major events seem to arise for them when we are out of their range of availability. Suddenly they identify a natural disaster, they're wasting from hunger, a war breaks out or (gulp)they're mortally injured. Or they conjure something similar, but not as pressing, like a funny anecdote or comment that they must share, because it normally captivates you. Right now, as I write this, I've already received three handmade necklaces, 2 homemade magnets, and a picture of Rowan and I under an umbrella exchanging kisses and "I love yous." And, of course the third necklace needs to be placed in such a way that she needs to climb on top of me to drape it over the computer monitor so I can gaze at it adoringly.and provide an oh so SUBTLE reminder that they are here and want us to always be available for them. Ok, so now that makes 4 necklaces. Ah well. I guess they just love us. ;) BTW-I'm loving your blog darlin', keep it up. ~Heather