Sunday, March 14, 2010
Birefringence is a natural phenomenon in cured meat. It's when a rainbow seems to appear on the surface of the meat - it's a bit iridescent. All it is is light reflecting off of muscle proteins. It has the same color distribution of a prism. Don't worry - your meat is perfectly safe to eat!
Monday, March 8, 2010
It's been a minute, but.....
Washing your lint filter will keep your dryer working better and lasting longer.
Try this: after cleaning the lint trap, take it to the sink and run water over it. Does it puddle? That's a film from dryer sheets. Clean about every 6 months with warm soapy water and a soft brush to help!
Try this: after cleaning the lint trap, take it to the sink and run water over it. Does it puddle? That's a film from dryer sheets. Clean about every 6 months with warm soapy water and a soft brush to help!
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Monday, January 25, 2010
Fingerprints & The Drawer of Death and Mutilation
Drugs in Fingerprints
Fingerprints can reveal drug use! The oils and skin cells can be tested to reveal if the fingerprint(s) belong to a smoker, marijuana user, cocaine user, or even a coffee addict.
Remember: crime doesn't pay, especially if you abuse (even legal) drugs. Not that I think this is a wise-spread practice, what with budget cuts everywhere.
Fingerprints can reveal drug use! The oils and skin cells can be tested to reveal if the fingerprint(s) belong to a smoker, marijuana user, cocaine user, or even a coffee addict.
Remember: crime doesn't pay, especially if you abuse (even legal) drugs. Not that I think this is a wise-spread practice, what with budget cuts everywhere.
RJP_005 by atomicric
Shiny Drawer of Death and Mutilation
So, I have an orginizational problem. I'm a frequent user of "junk drawers" or even general purpose drawers. For instance, this is my "Kitchen Utensil" drawer:
Grippy shelf liner is there to make sure that the objects don't travel too far, but it is unofficially the Shiny Drawer of Death and Mutilation. I believe that an upright container (such as an old tin that formerly housed alcohol) would suit for the non-injury inducing items, and a good knife block for the random knives that I have. In the meantime, This drawer is off-limits to Bugs and such....until I get around to organizing it.
That's not really a fact, except for the fact that my organizational skills lack horribly. But to those of you who utilize such drawers, I am here with you, sympathizing.
Late post due to my Dad dropping by for the night. I'm thinking of continuing my daily adventures in a separate blog, linked here. Good idea?
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Horses & Pennies
Horse Statue Symbolics
I had to re-look this one up to make sure that my memory was correct. When I was little, we traveled a lot with volleyball, and often spent Easter in New Orleans (my birthplace) for a tournament. We'd do the typical tourist things, but one thing I remember best is Jackson Square. My Dad told me this peice of information about the statues of military men that are astride a horse:
If the horse has both front legs in the air, the person died while in battle. If one front leg is lifted, the death was due to wounds recieved in battle. All four legs on the ground? Natural causes.

Penny for your...tire
Wanna check your tire tread? Try a penny. The minimum suggested tread depth is 1/16 of an inch, which is the distance from the top of the penny to Lincoln's head. Stick it in the tread, head pointing up. Can you see the head? Time for new tires!!

Which we need, desperately. Yay for tax refunds!
That little tidbit was grabbed from Real Simple, which has other uses for a lot of things!
Personal update soon....
I had to re-look this one up to make sure that my memory was correct. When I was little, we traveled a lot with volleyball, and often spent Easter in New Orleans (my birthplace) for a tournament. We'd do the typical tourist things, but one thing I remember best is Jackson Square. My Dad told me this peice of information about the statues of military men that are astride a horse:
If the horse has both front legs in the air, the person died while in battle. If one front leg is lifted, the death was due to wounds recieved in battle. All four legs on the ground? Natural causes.

New Orleans - French Quarter: Jackson Square - Andrew Jackson Statue
by wallyg
The more you know!! ....The more you can annoy your friends with useless facts.
Penny for your...tire
Wanna check your tire tread? Try a penny. The minimum suggested tread depth is 1/16 of an inch, which is the distance from the top of the penny to Lincoln's head. Stick it in the tread, head pointing up. Can you see the head? Time for new tires!!

Penny Floor: Hotel Congress
by cobalt123
Which we need, desperately. Yay for tax refunds!
That little tidbit was grabbed from Real Simple, which has other uses for a lot of things!
Personal update soon....
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Half-Twins and Baby Powder
Everyone knows about twins - both monozygotic (identical) and dizygotic (fraternal). But there is a rare third type - the Half-Twin.
This is when the twins inherit the same genes from the mother but have different genes from the father. The egg is fertilized by two sperm, and then splits!
Odd, huh?
Baby Powder
This is an old trick that my sister taught me awhile back. If you don't have time to shampoo your hair one day and it's starting to look/feel greasy, just sprinkle a little baby powder on the roots and tousle.
The powder will absorb the oil, and you will be in the clear for one more day if someone suddenly shows up to your house - just try to get out of your PJs before noon, and don't put in too much. You don't want to look like a snowball!
Everyone knows about twins - both monozygotic (identical) and dizygotic (fraternal). But there is a rare third type - the Half-Twin.
This is when the twins inherit the same genes from the mother but have different genes from the father. The egg is fertilized by two sperm, and then splits!
Odd, huh?
Baby Powder
This is an old trick that my sister taught me awhile back. If you don't have time to shampoo your hair one day and it's starting to look/feel greasy, just sprinkle a little baby powder on the roots and tousle.
Don't Squeeze The Baby Powder.
Originally uploaded by ICT_photo
Originally uploaded by ICT_photo
The powder will absorb the oil, and you will be in the clear for one more day if someone suddenly shows up to your house - just try to get out of your PJs before noon, and don't put in too much. You don't want to look like a snowball!
Friday, January 22, 2010
Armadillos & The Potty
Random Fact(s):
The nine-banded armadillo is the only mammal that can contract leprosy (although it is a different strand of the disease). Armadillos are related to sloths and the nine-banded variety have identical quadruplet offspring - EVERY TIME.

via tfrench11 on flickr
Makes me glad I'm not an armadillo.
Practical Knowledge:
After children, the potty is never private. You can be sitting there in your "business meeting" with your "paperwork"...
...and BOOM - there is a four year old in there, explaining exactly why she needs that PB&J right now. Since it can't wait. It's also quite urgent to tell you what's going on in Gabba Land before she decided to waltz into the bathroom during said meeting.
Advice: Invest in a lock, and use your...meetings...for time alone with your thoughts. I still need to get a good lock.
The nine-banded armadillo is the only mammal that can contract leprosy (although it is a different strand of the disease). Armadillos are related to sloths and the nine-banded variety have identical quadruplet offspring - EVERY TIME.

via tfrench11 on flickr
Makes me glad I'm not an armadillo.
Practical Knowledge:
After children, the potty is never private. You can be sitting there in your "business meeting" with your "paperwork"...
...and BOOM - there is a four year old in there, explaining exactly why she needs that PB&J right now. Since it can't wait. It's also quite urgent to tell you what's going on in Gabba Land before she decided to waltz into the bathroom during said meeting.
Advice: Invest in a lock, and use your...meetings...for time alone with your thoughts. I still need to get a good lock.
A New Direction
I've decided to give this blog a purpose - after all, how many blogs are out there that just recount day-to-day happenings? Every mom has a crazy story, and I plan to still share mine as they come along, but I also want to quench my thirst for knowledge. So I have decided to learn two new things every day - one random fact (also known as useless knowledge) and one practical application (along the lines of the "a-ha!" moments that occur through the day).
All suggestions are accepted! I'll do the research - you ask the question.
All suggestions are accepted! I'll do the research - you ask the question.
Originally uploaded by shutterbabe510
No donation required.
Next up, new factoids!
Thursday, January 21, 2010
In which we learn of pillow forts, rainboots, and the enemy of cleaning.
Ahh, another average day. After a really late night. Hubby got off early last night due to lightning and decided we needed to head off to Giant Super Mart of Everything. This is the point where I say that his shift is 4pm - 2am, so early is 11:30pm. Young'uns were asleep (or at least getting there), but hey hey! GSMoE is open 24 hours! So, up with the kiddos, into the rain, and off to grocery shopping.
We didn't get home until 1:30am. The Bug slept until noon today. Sigh.
So, today's list of things to accomplish was:
1. Vacuum
2. Clean computer desk
3. Try rice cereal with Lil Man
4. Fold and put away all of the clean laundry
5. Cook a gourmet meal that Vicki will eat
3 out of 5 isn't bad.
Especially when you are interrupted by pillow forts:

Lil Man kept kicking down the pillows.
The vacuuming and computer desk were accomplished, and I proudly went from this

to this

I even tossed the mouse pad into the wash! It's crazy how much dusty-sticky things managed to accumulate on it.
On a side note, Husband and I hare in a n ongoing mini-battle about my rain boots. The subject came up last night after we bought the Bug a new pair (her feet grow faster than laundry). He hates them for reasons unknown (I think it's an unconscious hate for plaid).

I'll admit, they don't "go" with much, but C'MON! PINK PLAID! I might concede and get a black day.
I, MamaBug., have made a new discovery: The Enemy of Clean. When you least expect it, this lil bugger will pop up out of nowhere to foil any plans you ever had of tidying, vacuuming, washing, or otherwise being productive. He is terrifying. Those horrible eyes! Those monstrous arms! I managed to capture a picture of this beast today while hunting for cleaning wipes.
Caution: The picture you are about to see may be disturbing for some of our younger readers.

The Enemy.
Playing with your children is the enemy of cleaning. All toys, noisy things, and electronics must go in order to accomplish that magazine-perfect clean living space.
Therefore, my house will never be immaculate.
You know what they say, cleanliness is next to....impossible.
I can accept thins. As long as there are pillow forts, senseless and funny arguments over footwear, and plenty of tickle fights, my house could look like a wreck every day and I'd be happy.
We didn't get home until 1:30am. The Bug slept until noon today. Sigh.
So, today's list of things to accomplish was:
1. Vacuum
2. Clean computer desk
3. Try rice cereal with Lil Man
4. Fold and put away all of the clean laundry
5. Cook a gourmet meal that Vicki will eat
3 out of 5 isn't bad.
Especially when you are interrupted by pillow forts:
Lil Man kept kicking down the pillows.
The vacuuming and computer desk were accomplished, and I proudly went from this
to this
I even tossed the mouse pad into the wash! It's crazy how much dusty-sticky things managed to accumulate on it.
On a side note, Husband and I hare in a n ongoing mini-battle about my rain boots. The subject came up last night after we bought the Bug a new pair (her feet grow faster than laundry). He hates them for reasons unknown (I think it's an unconscious hate for plaid).
I'll admit, they don't "go" with much, but C'MON! PINK PLAID! I might concede and get a black day.
I, MamaBug., have made a new discovery: The Enemy of Clean. When you least expect it, this lil bugger will pop up out of nowhere to foil any plans you ever had of tidying, vacuuming, washing, or otherwise being productive. He is terrifying. Those horrible eyes! Those monstrous arms! I managed to capture a picture of this beast today while hunting for cleaning wipes.
Caution: The picture you are about to see may be disturbing for some of our younger readers.
The Enemy.
Playing with your children is the enemy of cleaning. All toys, noisy things, and electronics must go in order to accomplish that magazine-perfect clean living space.
Therefore, my house will never be immaculate.
You know what they say, cleanliness is next to....impossible.
I can accept thins. As long as there are pillow forts, senseless and funny arguments over footwear, and plenty of tickle fights, my house could look like a wreck every day and I'd be happy.
Card Skimmers look entirely too real.
Would You Have Spotted the Fraud?
It's a card skimmer on an ATM. This device records all of your card info along with a pinhole camera to get your PIN. This makes me want to tug and pull on any card reader I come by - it's done at gas stations too.
It's a card skimmer on an ATM. This device records all of your card info along with a pinhole camera to get your PIN. This makes me want to tug and pull on any card reader I come by - it's done at gas stations too.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
A formal introduction of the players in this game
I think I need to introduce the players in this game of house. Each person plays a key role in the day-to-day madness in this little apartment. Here are the lucky few that answered the casting call:

My hot husband/co-conspirator/partner in crime. Cutter of Christmas trees. Keeps me in check, never stops making me laugh, and can't hit a hamper to save his life.

This is the Bug. Lover of PB&Js, super helper, and constant mischief maker. I wonder which face comes out most often?

We can't forget Lil Man. Bodyguard, champion of pooping, and eater of Eeyores. The Bug likes to bury him under a blanket, for some reason.
Oh, and we can't forget :

MamaBug. Cleaner of messes, conflict resolution specialist, and receiver of loving.
There's your cast. The playbill will unfold over time - there's a writer's strike right now.

My hot husband/co-conspirator/partner in crime. Cutter of Christmas trees. Keeps me in check, never stops making me laugh, and can't hit a hamper to save his life.
This is the Bug. Lover of PB&Js, super helper, and constant mischief maker. I wonder which face comes out most often?
We can't forget Lil Man. Bodyguard, champion of pooping, and eater of Eeyores. The Bug likes to bury him under a blanket, for some reason.
Oh, and we can't forget :
MamaBug. Cleaner of messes, conflict resolution specialist, and receiver of loving.
There's your cast. The playbill will unfold over time - there's a writer's strike right now.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Confessions, Day 1.
So, here it is. The beginning. I have absolutely no clue where to take this, so please bear with me as I stumble along in the blogosphere.
Today, being an average day, the fam awoke to the banging of the door at the crack of 11am. It was the bugman, coming to take care of our ant/mouse problem. Ants have been attacking en force our dishwasher and master bath. Yesterday as I was about to take my shower, I turned on the faucet and they poured out into the tub. A massacre ensued shortly thereafter.

Die! Die!
I assume they are searching for water, but they aren't helping with the rent, so they have to go. Same with the lone mouse that was spotted dashing below the dishwasher. Now, if the mouse had stood up and asked for the shirt and introduced himself as Gus-Gus, he might have had a place in the household. Alas, that did not happen - my mouse was mute. So out he goes.
Little man had his playtime, and the Bug is on an eating strike.
She wants nothing but PB&Js and candy. Well that changed starting today. I made her scrambled eggs and toast. No dice on the eggs, and the toast was eaten. She refused lunch, but ate her Tuna-Mac after a bit of guilt (not the whole starving children in Ethiopia route, but close). I am damned and determined to expand her eating habits. One cannot live on peanut butter alone! Plus she starts school next year - holy crap, wasn't I pregnant with her yesterday? - and three squares is the standard. Well, we might have to live on two, but you know how opinionated the little buggers can get. I can't wait to get to high school!
Well, after supper, I went thru the computer and organized every last photo into a folder. Easy access! Next, the real photos. Oh Lord....
Then I decided to actually put some work in on this blog. I started by taking some pictures of my life:

and then came on here. Now I have a wiggly, chunky four-month old in my lap and a four year old standing next to me grinding her teeth. Oohhhhhh, shudder. I guess that's all in my brain for now - I need to get back to Mommying.
Today, being an average day, the fam awoke to the banging of the door at the crack of 11am. It was the bugman, coming to take care of our ant/mouse problem. Ants have been attacking en force our dishwasher and master bath. Yesterday as I was about to take my shower, I turned on the faucet and they poured out into the tub. A massacre ensued shortly thereafter.
Die! Die!
I assume they are searching for water, but they aren't helping with the rent, so they have to go. Same with the lone mouse that was spotted dashing below the dishwasher. Now, if the mouse had stood up and asked for the shirt and introduced himself as Gus-Gus, he might have had a place in the household. Alas, that did not happen - my mouse was mute. So out he goes.
Little man had his playtime, and the Bug is on an eating strike.
She wants nothing but PB&Js and candy. Well that changed starting today. I made her scrambled eggs and toast. No dice on the eggs, and the toast was eaten. She refused lunch, but ate her Tuna-Mac after a bit of guilt (not the whole starving children in Ethiopia route, but close). I am damned and determined to expand her eating habits. One cannot live on peanut butter alone! Plus she starts school next year - holy crap, wasn't I pregnant with her yesterday? - and three squares is the standard. Well, we might have to live on two, but you know how opinionated the little buggers can get. I can't wait to get to high school!
Well, after supper, I went thru the computer and organized every last photo into a folder. Easy access! Next, the real photos. Oh Lord....
Then I decided to actually put some work in on this blog. I started by taking some pictures of my life:
and then came on here. Now I have a wiggly, chunky four-month old in my lap and a four year old standing next to me grinding her teeth. Oohhhhhh, shudder. I guess that's all in my brain for now - I need to get back to Mommying.
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